All You Need to Know About Portable Solar Panels

You must be aware of the large solar panels that people install on their rooftops. But do you know solar panels are available in portable sizes? Yes, you read it right!

Portable solar panels are the best solution to power your small electrical appliances like portable lights, mobile phones, laptops, security cameras, and the list goes on. 

Moreover, these panels are highly efficient and produce energy in tough weather conditions. That’s not all! These panels are extremely lightweight and require less space. Therefore, you can easily carry them anywhere. 

So, whether you are going camping or hiking, these portable panels are suitable for multiple purposes. 

But do you know what has led to their high popularity? It’s their extremely low prices! So, if you want to go solar on a budget, portable solar energy panels are appropriate for you.

This blog aims at educating you about the types of portable solar panels, their application, and their benefits. But first, let’s understand the working of this marvellous invention.

Working of Portable Solar Panels

Similar to large solar PV systems, these panels have solar cells. Solar cells typically have a silicon material base.

When sun rays fall on the surface of the solar panels, the particles of the rays charge the panels. 

This results in the generation of direct current (DC). The conducting wires connected to the panels carry this charge to the charge controller, where DC power converts to consumable electricity (AC power).

Types of Portable Solar Panels

The portable solar panels come in various capacities. However, all these panels are grouped into two major types, namely:

  • Monocrystalline Solar Panels: These types of panels are made with mono cells, and they offer an efficiency of 19% – 20%. The incredibly high efficiency of these panels keeps them in high demand.
  • – Polycrystalline Solar Panels: As the name suggests, this type of panel has multi-crystal cells. Their efficiency ranges from 16% – 17%. Although their efficiency is relatively lower than monocrystalline panels, they are more affordable.

Now that you know the types of portable solar panels, let’s explore their capacities.

10-Watt Portable Solar Panels

This is the smallest solar panel available for generating electricity. Due to its small size, you can easily carry it anywhere. 

The price of 10-watt solar panels varies based on the brand. However, it usually ranges between ₹ 230 to ₹ 280 for polycrystalline and ₹ 270 to ₹ 330 for monocrystalline solar panels.

In addition, both these types of 10-watt solar panels come with the following specifications:

  • – 5-10 years warranty for output performance.
  • – 2-5 years warranty on manufacturing defects.

But where can you use these tiny 10-watt portable solar panels?

The following points provide the answer to this question:

  • – Charging mobiles on the go or during power cuts.
  • – Powering light bulbs in caravans and boats.
  • – These panels can also charge your smartwatch and radios.
  • – You can even operate fans and fountains with 10-watt solar panels.

20-Watt Portable Solar Panels

These solar panels are another alternative to meet your small power requirements by generating solar energy. Usually, all the portable panels come with a ready-to-go kit. 

Therefore, before buying a 20-watt panel, do check that the manufacturer provides you with a charger, connecting cables, ports, and battery.

Another factor that should influence your buying decision is the price of these panels. 

Although you will find a price variation from one manufacturer to another, the prices of 20-watt panels generally fall between the following ranges:

  • – ₹ 540 to ₹ 660 for monocrystalline panels.
  • – ₹ 460 to ₹ 560 for polycrystalline panels.

Along with the price, you must also look at the specifications of these panels to ensure their high quality. The crucial factors you need to consider here include the following:

  • – They must offer a manufacturing defect warranty of 2 to 5 years.
  • – Their output performance warranty should range between 10 to 15 years.

Although these panels are small, they are suitable for the following applications:

  • – Running your home security cameras.
  • – Charging cell phones and light bulbs.
  • – Powering garden lights.

50-Watt Portable Solar Panels

A 50-watt portable solar panel has robust encapsulation for better protection of its structure. 

This increases its efficiency. However, you will find a price variation for solar panels of this capacity governed by the manufacturers.

Still, the average price of monocrystalline 50-watt panels generally ranges between ₹ 1350 – ₹ 1650. On the other hand, the price range of polycrystalline 50-watt panels is ₹ 1145 – ₹ 1402.

To select the best 50-watt solar panels, you must look for the following specifications:

  • – They must have 2 to 5 years of manufacturing defect warranty.
  • – Their output performance warranty should be 10 to 15 years.

Investing in these solar panels can help you meet multiple power requirements because they are suitable for various applications. These include:

  • – Stand-alone street lights in front of your house.
  • – Powering compact and easy mounting home lighting system.
  • – Fulfilling power requirements of movable street stalls.

100-Watt Portable Solar Panels

These solar panels generate a huge amount of energy as compared to other portable panels.  

Similar to other portable solar panels, the price of 100-watt solar panels depends on the brand. 

If you plan to buy a monocrystalline 100-watt solar panel, you will need to spend anywhere between ₹ 2700 to ₹ 3300. At the same time, a polycrystalline 100-watt solar panel will cost you nearly ₹ 2300 to ₹ 2800.

You can choose any of the 100-watt panels according to your needs. However, do consider checking the following specifications:

  • – 10 to 15 years of performance warranty.
  • – Robust panel structure with 2 to 5 years of manufacturing defect warranty.

These highly efficient solar panels have numerous applications, such as:

  • – Powering home appliances.
  • – Meeting electrical needs during camping.
  • – Charging street lights.
  • – Powering GPS devices, wi-fi routers, etc.


Portable solar panels offer the most advanced way of meeting your everyday power requirements. Moreover, they are highly affordable. 

Therefore, if you want to reduce your dependence on the commercial grid, you can choose any of the above-mentioned solar panels to run small electrical appliances at home and on the go.


Q. Can a 20-watt solar panel generate electricity when the weather is cloudy?

A 20-watt solar panel is highly efficient. Therefore, it is suitable for generating electricity even when the weather is cloudy.

Q. How many 100-watt solar panels do I need for a 1 KW solar system?

To calculate the number of 100-watt solar panels you need for a 1 KW solar system, you need to divide the total capacity of the solar system (in watts) by the capacity of the panel itself. 

It means, you will need (1000 watts/100) 10 100-watt PV panels for a 1 KW solar system.

Q. Can I carry a 10-watt solar panel when I need to travel?

A 10-watt solar panel is extremely portable. You can easily carry it to any place to meet your power requirements.